About the 2024 Conference

The National LGBTQ Health Conference is an interdisciplinary translational research conference bringing together scientists, public health professionals, and healthcare providers to discuss issues affecting the health and wellbeing of the LGBTQ community. The largest scientific gathering of its kind in the United States, the conference also fosters professional development and provides networking opportunities. 

The 9th National LGBTQ Health Conference will take place August 15 – 17, 2024


Thursday, August 15: Preconference workshop featuring a morning NIH-scientist panel and afternoon sessions exploring cutting-edge innovations in implementation science. The preconference will be held at the Rollins School of Public Health, walking distance to the main hotel venue.

Friday, August 16 – Saturday, August 17: National LGBTQ Health Conference


Emory Conference Center Hotel 

Clifton Road, 

Atlanta, GA 30329 

Conference Highlights 

  • Keynote speakers 
  • Symposia 
  • Poster session 
  • Networking 
  • LGBTQ vendors and sponsor tables

The conference was founded in 2012 by the Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing (ISGMH) at Northwestern University and Center on Halsted, the largest LGBTQ community center in the Midwest. In 2019, Emory University joined the conference as a partner. After the success of the 2022 conference in Chicago with over 430 attendees, we look forward to an even bigger conference in August 2024. 

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